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  • Writer's pictureEmily Campbell

Why is Life so busy???!!!

Life seriously needs to slow down! Have you all noticed we are busier than ever? Did we learn nothing about work/life balance during COVID? Remember when we were all "forced" to stay home, work from home, eat at home...and we all just slowed down? We were grateful for the time we had together with family and friends. We were appreciative of just being healthy and feeling good. And we swore we wouldn't forget how blessed we all are...

Now here we are, still within sight of the pandemic and back to being busier than EVER!! What happened? I remember everyone talking about having a forced break with no choice but to slow down...and yet when life went back to "normal" we are all even busier! I can barely keep up at work, my family and friends are so busy we hardly see each other, and traffic is crazy! I have been so busy the last two weeks with a big project at work that I haven't had time to write and do something I deeply enjoy. And I am not the only one. Everyone I talk to is busy busy busy! Work is busy, school is stressful, all of the restaurants are packed, traffic is non-stop. How do we slow down?

I am going to challenge myself. Want to join me? If we all band together and commit to slowing down we can make the change, right? What if we take a few moments for ourselves in the morning and spend a few extra minutes enjoying our coffee or spending time with the people we love. What if we prioritize ourselves and leave work on time so we can hit the gym and release some of the daily stress? What is we turn off our phones or leave them in the other room while we spend time with our family?

I am willing to try it. I have pledged to myself that I will slow down. I will workout and move my body every single day in some way. I will focus on the people in my life and really listen to them without distraction. I will leave my phone at home when I take the dog for a walk. I will learn a new hobby (playing frisbee is on my list). I want to enjoy my life and the many blessings I have without racing through the day and onto the next. I feel like time is flying by and going WAY TOO FAST, so I am going to hit pause.

Join me...will you? What are your goals for slowing down? Do you enjoy reading a good book with a cup of tea? Do you like cooking a new recipe or baking treats for the people you love? Do you enjoy taking a long walk and really being present in nature? I love all of those things and I haven't made enough time to enjoy them. Why do we rush from one day to the next chasing something that we never seem to catch! I don't want to wait until I retire to enjoy my life and take it slow. I may not be able to fully retire today, but I can slow down and at least spend an hour each day really taking it all in.

Tell me what you are planning. Share your goals for slowing down with me and let's keep it going. Encourage those around you to slow down and really take the time to foster gratitude for all that you have. We are all running and working so hard and so fast. It's time to play.

I'll see you at the park. I'll be the one throwing the frisbee!





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