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  • Writer's pictureEmily Campbell

Leading every day.

Updated: Jun 27, 2023

A handful of leadership principles that you can apply every day in every way and positively impact those around you.

You probably don't know this about me, but I am a leader. Yes, I am in a leadership role at work. Yes, I have years of experience as a leader. Yes, I have a Master's degree in Organizational Leadership. And Yes, I develop leadership programs for my company. But that is not what I am referring to. Despite 25+ years of leadership experience and an advanced degree, my most important role in life is the Leader I am in my personal life. I have been thinking about this a lot lately as I am launching a new leadership development program and I am focused on what a great leader looks like. It's got me thinking...

I am passionate about leadership. I love what I do and the influence I have in my job and in my company. And I am clearly interested in the topic of leadership or I wouldn't have sought a Master's degree on the topic. But the thought that most peaks my interest and ignites my passion is the impact each of us have in our daily lives, in our homes, and in our families. We each have the opportunity to lead - with or without the title or the degree. We lead and influence just by our actions and our attitude and our perspective. The effect we have on the people in our lives goes on and on and has a lasting impact. This impact can be positive or negative - that is up to you!

There are a few leadership principles that can be applied to every day life and reflect who we are as people, outside of our jobs and the office. Our families and friends are the most important people we can serve, and the intentions we live our lives by can have a powerful impact. There are 3 simple leadership principles you can apply to every day life.

Be clear about your purpose. I have talked about purpose in previous blogs. I wrote about the importance of developing a personal mission statement and I stand by that philosophy today. If you don't know who you are or what is important to you, how can you lead those around you and influence them positively? You are a role model for someone in your life. Even if you aren't a parent, you are modeling life to someone in your circle of influence. Take some time to get clear on this purpose and redefine it if necessary. (Forbes wrote a great article on 3 Simple Steps to Identify Your Life Purpose) Also, realize it can change based on your season of life. My purpose now is quite different than it was 20 years ago when I was young and my children were babies. I'm not even sure that I knew my purpose back then. But today I am clear on who I am and what I stand for and my values are sacred. What influence and impact do you want to have on those around you? Define your values and get clear on your purpose.

Be driven by your values. Company core values are a driving force in providing clarity for the organizational mission and the direction of the company. Similarly, it is just as critical to define your personal values. So what are your personal values? Do you know what is most important to you? Are you driven by money or influence? Do you prioritize your family and quality time? Do you plan for the future and seek stability and security? Is religion or a belief in God your driving force? (Tony Robbins wrote a great blog on Defining your values and beliefs) When you are driven by your values, you do what is right in alignment with those values. It takes courage to stand up for what you believe in and even to have the strength to leave a situation or even a relationship if it is not in alignment with your values. Be honorable and have the courage to stand tall and firm in those values and in your beliefs and you won't go wrong.

Be authentic. Be you. Be your true self. Be the best version of yourself. Be real. In being authentic you have the courage and the confidence to be vulnerable and show who you really are. This is truly important in leadership and in life. Learning to be your authentic self is an essential part of building meaningful relationships. (Brene Brown explains in her Ted Talk) And authenticity happens when your words, actions, and behaviors consistently match your identity. When people around you see that you are authentically you and you are proud of who you are, they are naturally drawn to you and they will listen to what you say and watch what you do. That influence is powerful, so use it wisely and protect it fiercely! Do what you say you are going to do. Be unapologetic about the things that are important to you, and live your life in accordance with those priorities. Take a moment to identify who you really are and what it means to be authentic.

Thank you friends for letting me share. This has been on my heart and I feel inspired to know that we can each be the best version of ourselves and greatly and positively influence those around us. Take this responsibility and run with it! It is powerful and beautiful and it is within each of us. If you are interested in pursuing coaching with me, check it out here!

Take Care and Influence wisely!





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