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  • Writer's pictureEmily Campbell


Updated: May 5, 2022

A Focus on Gratitude. And staying positive in the midst of chaos.

Life is hard sometimes. Things happen. People you love get hurt, disappointments happen, or just overall stress can be overwhelming. I get it. I have been there. I AM there right now. Part of the reason I started this blog was as an outlet to ensure I maintained a creative space within my life as a way to manage stress and maintain my grateful heart. I am a mom, a daughter, a sister, a girlfriend, a business owner... I work a full time job and I also do consulting work, just finished a Masters degree and started a blog. Life is A LOT sometimes. But finding the joy in every day life is a gift and an honor that we all have access to. You just have to look for it.

Recent events have caused additional stress for my family and it can be easy to get caught up in the negative consequences of other people's actions and how that has hurt my family. As an empathic person, my sensitive side can sometimes get overwhelmed by the emotions of the people around me and I tend to take responsibility for fixing it or making it better. I am learning to let that go, to breathe through it, and to focus on the blessings in my life. I can only control what I can control - and that is my thoughts, my mind, my heart.

One way I can do this is to focus on and enjoy the little things. I wake up every morning and take my dog Lola for a sunrise walk. It is one of my favorite parts of the day. As I walk, I express my gratitude out loud for all of the beauty around me. I am thankful for the sunrise, the blue sky, the birds chirping, the flowers blooming, and the fact that I can walk and I am strong and healthy. This mindset helps me start my day off in a way that generates a positive energy for the rest of my day and allows me to handle whatever comes my way.

Another way I can stay grateful is by sharing through my writing or in conversations with people around me. Gratitude is contagious. It spreads quickly - just like negativity does - but I believe gratitude can change the world. One positive thought and one positive word at a time. Have you ever noticed how you feel when you walk away from an interaction with a positive and truly authentic person? I am not talking about those fake people that spout all of the right catch phrases or talk about how blessed they are all of the time. I am talking about those people that are real and authentic and can remain positive in the midst of chaos and give off a beautiful energy that you can actually feel.

That is who I strive to be. I want the people in my life to feel my beauty and absorb my love in a way that they are better off when they walk away. This is a true desire of mine - to raise my kids in a way that they can change the world with their authenticity and their kindness and their lives. To impact the people in my life in a way that brings them joy and makes them feel accepted. Even in the struggles. Even in the chaos. Even in the pain. It isn't easy. As a matter of fact, it sometimes feels impossible. But I believe that positivity, gratitude, kindness, and love are truly all we need.

I am being tested right now and I fall short - ALL OF THE TIME. It frustrates me when I don't get it right and I can REALLY beat myself up when I get it wrong. I am not perfect. I am a work in progress and I know that I am flawed. Truly flawed. But my heart is pure and my gratitude is real and I feel authentically and fully grateful for my life. I hope that your day is blessed, that your heart is full, and that the beauty of the day amazes you.





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