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  • Writer's pictureEmily Campbell

Every day should feel this good!

Why my life may be better than a vacation...

It was a good day. A really good day! It honestly happens pretty often, and this weekend was no exception. Ken and I are at that point in our lives where the days are so good and our life is full! The kids are grown and mostly on their own. They are happy and healthy and self-sufficient. Our work is challenging but rewarding and we have all that we need. Our families are doing well and our friendships are special and authentic and real. Our lives are truly so blessed and we feel grateful.

These days come along where it all just seems to click as if we have "cracked the code". We wake up in the morning on a beautiful Arizona day full of sunshine, blue skies, and great weather. We drink our coffee on the patio watching the sunrise and the palm trees sway (truly, I'm not making this up) and we just feel GRATEFUL. I sometimes get emotional at the thought of how good it all is. We ride our bikes to brunch and it is such a beautiful day! We sit on the patio at our favorite spot (see the blog featuring Luci's at The Grove) and we chat with the owner and the great staff! The great day continues as we swim in the pool, bask in the sun, grill a perfect steak, and share a bottle of our favorite wine. I am not making this up. How is it all this good?

Believe me. It hasn't always been this good. Or this easy. Ken and I have both been through divorce and we know how different life can be when it doesn't feel this good. We know the heartache, the frustration, the disappointment, and the pain. We know what it is like raising kids - and teenagers - as single parents and alone in that battle. We know what it is like to feel like you will never find someone that truly gets you and appreciates you and adores you.

Maybe that is why this all feels so good? Maybe that is why we are so grateful? Maybe that is why we don't take it for granted and we know how special it is? Is that where the magic happens? Somewhere between losing it all and getting it all back and better than ever comes the realization that we have both come so far and we will do whatever it takes to keep it right here in the sweet spot. The good times. The peace. The beauty of the simple things. The gratitude.

Everyday should feel THIS GOOD! Wishing you all the best good days!





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